Support AMB
Coming Later in 2021

Hey there! Welcome.

It looks like you've found my support site. This is a special place where you can support all of my hard work and get some exclusive benefits!

Support who?

This site is for supporting the work of Ashlee M Boyer, a Disabled web developer that specializes in web accessibility. She has a couple of active side projects and writes articles to teach people about accessibility, React, and Firebase. She also live streams code and knitting on Twitch.

Sweet! What are my options?

There will be 4 monthly support tiers you can subscribe to and each tier has the same access to all the tiers below it. These are the tiers, lowest-to-highest:

  • Basic support ($2). This tier is for sending a couple of dollars in support of my work. You'll get a thank-you email at the start and I'll be forever grateful for your backing.
  • Side project micro-blogs ($5). With this tier, you'll have access to screenshots, recordings, and textual updates on my side projects, even the private ones! This includes my personal notes and resources I come across as I try new stuff.
  • Early access to articles ($10). Not only will you get access to my posts 2-weeks before they go public, you'll also have the ability to give collaborative feedback with other folks on this tier and y'all can also give me suggestions for future posts.
  • Monthly live Q&A sessions ($25). Once a month, I'll hold a live Q&A session with a theme and answer 1 question from each member on this tier. These will be recorded and you'll have access to all previously held sessions.

I'm interested! What now?

This isn't currently live, but I'm working hard and it will be REALLY soon! If you want to get an email when this site is ready, pass me your name and email address and I'll let you know!